Ghg protocol brasil pdf files

Land use plays a significant role in brazils ghg emissions and, together with an increasing demand for transport fuels, is the top driver of the countrys ghg emission growth. The greenhouse gas protocol 390 370 350 330 310 290 270 ppm year. Greenhouse gas protocol portuguese translation linguee. An accreditation process and associated recognition may. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.

At this stage of the protocol s development, it is intended that local governments will selfidentify compliance with the local government ghg protocol. Fazer a contabilidade em gee significa quantificar e organizar dados sobre emissoes. Ghg project installandoperate gridconnectedwind turbinefacility installandoperategridconnectednaturalgas combinedcyclepowerplant installandoperate. Reporting protocol is based on the wriwbcsd ghg protocol, the gold standard in ghg accounting and reporting. Corporate standard, the ghg protocol initiative developed two accompanying documents. In this report, the included and excluded categories, data and assumptions used in the calculation are presented.

Partner with sustainability advocacy organizations where our strengths are complementary and also actively propagate the idea of ghg mitigation at. The first major update to the ghg protocol corporate accounting and reporting standard responds to the rapid growth of renewable energy and other major shifts in the electricity market, wri says. Ghg protocol supplies the worlds most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards. Ghg protocol mitigation goal standard world bank group. The protocol has been designed to both provide guidance and establish a standard for local government greenhouse gas management programs. Direct ghg emissions ghg emissions under the company control and responsibility.

Global protocol for communityscale greenhouse gas emission. Developed countries financial commitments to support less developed countries most vulnerable to mitigate and adapt. Their primary function is to guide the implementation of the ghg protocol corporate standard, particularly when the application of the standards to specific issues or situations is. Ghg emissions should be given with discriminated scopes and details, i. Climate change is an urgent threat to humanity that demands swift, decisive action. In the context of corporate ghg accounting and reporting, the greenhouse gas protocol.

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the college, such as natural gas used to heat campus buildings or emissions due to. Many translated example sentences containing greenhouse gas protocol. A protocol to assess ghg emissions was created consistent with the protocol developed by the world business council for sustainable development wbcsd. Wri brasil wri china wri india wri indonesia wri mexico resource watch wri ross. Pdf a greenhouse gas inventory in the municipal landfill of. Brazils submission of the forest reference emission level. To understand, manage, and report the life cycle ghg emissions associated with individual products.

The lack of standardised methodology usage for ghg emissions bring differences in results of the same factor. It is focused on research and applications of sustainable solutions oriented towards climate. Their application will ensure that the ghg inventory constitutes a true and fair representation of the companys ghg emissions. We offer multiple online learning solutions on the worlds most widely used ghg accounting standards. Brazil program public online emissions registry and users manual. With no carbon pricing on its support, however, significant levels of deforestation and ghg emissions occurred from 1997. Climate impacts are being felt all around the world and on track to get much worse. Mar 15, 2016 the world resources institute has published new guidance for companies to measure emissions from purchased electricity. Global ghg emissions must peak by 2017 to retain even a 50% chance of limiting the average global temperature. The greenhouse gas protocol ghg offers for the first time a set of calculation tools for quantifying corporate greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change achieve a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions ghg by square metre of gross lettable area, by 2020, compared to the 2005 level 2. Endeavor for ghg emission mitigation from our operations and participate in kyoto and other protocol where india is a signatory. In 2014 valor economico a national news outlet reported that. Technical guidance for calculating scope 3 emissions 05 introduction a n effective corporate climate change strategy requires a detailed understanding of a companys greenhouse gas ghg emissions until.

It has catalyzed a dramatic increase in action against unsustainable and illegal forest practices, and governments and businesses are using gfw to improve. Garcia, o sexto membro permanente o brasil e a criacao da onu rio. The greenhouse gas ghg protocol is a multistakeholder partnership of businesses, nongovernmental organizations ngos, governments, and others. A corporate accounting and reporting standard, revised edition, ghg protocol for ghg information, including the reliability of data, adequacy of the information presented and the absence of significant deviations and omissions. Calculation of scope 3 emissions of ssab according to the. The ghg protocol offers standards and guidelines for companies and other.

The course is based on the ghg protocol mitigation goal standard. The greenhouse gas protocol the ghg protocol for project accounting world resources institute 2000 2010 2020 2030 204 the greenhouse gas protocol the ghg protocol for project accounting wri wbcsd world resources institute 10 g street, ne suite 800 washington, dc 20002 usa tel. Corporate value chain scope 3 accounting and reporting standard. Oct 18, 20 video comemorativo dos 5 anos do programa brasileiro ghg protocol. Every year of delay and every tenth of a degree matters. The scope concept introduced by the ghg protocol will help companies set operational limits to be recorded. Independent assurance report to the management of nh. The greenhouse gas protocol ghg p is the most widely used international accounting framework to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions.

Tools and initiatives to track our progress working paper march 20 3 i. The greenhouse gas protocol ghgp is the most widely used international accounting framework to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions. Brasileiro ghg protocol greenhouse gas protocol, a metodologia internacional. The ghg file stores monochromatic picture image in 320x200 size created in gephard hires graphics. There were variations between the main 3 scope emission factors. It is an internationally recognised standard developed by the world resources institute wri and the world business council for sustainable development wbcsd.

Files with ghg file extension are commonly used by the gephard hires graphics, a picture image editing software for atari 8bit home computers. Estimating ghg emissions using the local government. Boundaries of the reporting company ghg emissions covered by the verification. From kyoto protocol top down to paris agreement bottom up. Our tools enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their ghg emissions. In particular the connection among the different elements at spatial and temporal levels are a. Us and basic brazil, south africa, india and china archytecture.

Forgotten failures with consequences that still affect communities 17 2. It has been designed to help users set emission reduction targets, account for their progress, meet domestic or international emissions reporting objectives, and ensure that efforts to reduce emissions are achieving their intended results. Brazil welcomes the opportunity to submit a forest reference emission level frel for a technical assessment in the context of resultsbased payments for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable. The online platform uses satellite and other data to track forest cover change in nearreal time. We shall aim to achieve quantifiable milestones in these aspects. As well as providing a baseline against which to assess future reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the ghg protocol allows businesses to compare the effectiveness of different mitigation strategies. In accordance with the ghg protocol, emissions are divided into three categories. Brazil ghg protocol program calculation tools aim at helping managers in the process of elaborating the ghg inventory scope 3 emissions the brazilian program recommends reporting scope 3 emissions according to the method published by wri verification the main purpose of a thirdparty verification is to ensure the corporate inventory is reliable. The ila provides an opportunity to consider the system at multiple levels and at different scales. For the purpose of comparability with international data submission guidelines, the. A reporting companys scope 3 emissions from investments are the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of investees. The greenhouse gas protocol ghg protocol is a joint initiative of the world resources institute wri and the world business council on sustainable development wbcsd. This ghg file type entry was marked as obsolete and no longer supported file format. At this stage of the protocols development, it is intended that local governments will selfidentify compliance with the local government ghg protocol.

Emission, heat content, and conversion factors from this document were used in the analysis table 12. Many organizations accept the greenhouse gas protocol ghg protocol as the most widely used. The next few years is the last window we have to steer the world in a better and safer direction. Ghg emissions, scope 1, 2, and 3 across the value chain. The inventories of emissions published in the public emissions registry were elaborated according to brazil ghg protocol program specifications, a methodology developed through a joint process involving the program coordination team plus the 27 founding companies. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Wri in partnership with 50 organizations launched global forest watch gfw in february 2014. Pdf sustainability of urban mobility of campinas city, brazil. Database documentation 2019 edition international energy agency ghg ghg short name definition co2 co2 ch4 ch4 the emission factors are converted from gch4 and gn2o to gco2eq using the 100year global warming potential gwp. The world resources institute has published new guidance for companies to measure emissions from purchased electricity. Complete document available on olis in its original format. Direct ghg emissions ghg emissions under the companys responsability and control.

The contents of the two documents are compared issuebyissue in table format. Brazilian contribution to the dialogue on the relationship. Formacao dos conceitos braseleiros sao paulo, brazil. Emissions of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases ghg that drive climate change and its impacts around the. Easily share your publications and get them in front of issuus. To understand, manage, and report ghg emissions across the entire value chain. A comparison of iso 14064 part 1 and the ghg protocol. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the college, such as natural gas used to heat campus buildings or emissions due to campus owned fleet vehicles.

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